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Smart Solution Signs Multi-year Agreement with DUCA Financial Services Credit Union Ltd. (DUCA) to provide its Universa Digital Banking Platform

Apr 7, 2018

Smart Solution is very pleased to announce that one of Canada’s top 20 Credit Unions has entered into a new contract for its Universa core banking system as it embarks on a journey to develop digitized, omni-channel member experiences. As it vigorously pursues its strategic plans to grow its membership, diversify its business, and enhance its infrastructure, DUCA simultaneously continues to invest in its employees and support the local community at large. Being a leading fintech provider of banking and financial management solutions, Smart Solution’s innovative products are a natural choice for institutions in need of a highly flexible processing platform that offers the latest in technological advances and security. As such, it continues to enhance and solidify the reputation of Universa as one of the most prominent contenders in leading- edge banking platforms in Canada, the Caribbean and Central America.

Universa’s agile, rapid-release development process enables Smart Solution to quickly translate client business needs or new technologies into customizable system functionalities. The innovative banking software is a state-of- the-art, browser-based platform that encompasses the latest in technological advances and represents an inventive solution that supports open banking with multiple application programming interfaces (APIs) and integration points.

“At DUCA, we are focused on driving fundamental changes in our technology platforms going forward. Our agreement with Smart Solution, at this stage in our evolution, is an important initial step in our digital roadmap journey,” said Doug Conick, President and CEO of DUCA.

“We are extremely excited to work with such a large and progressive institution and fully committed to partnering with DUCA to enable its growth and deliver on its mandate to do more, be more and achieve more for its members. The technology platform is the backbone of any institution and having selected Universa as its backbone is a testimony to the scalable architecture, flexibility and functionality packed into our Universa platform,” stated Iean Tait, President and CEO of Smart Solution. “Universa’s market penetration continues to accelerate with several conversions scheduled for 2018 and beyond. Many institutions are looking for ways to keep up with new and emerging market technologies; the switch to Universa will provide them with the needed tools to meet those challenges and embrace the future.”

About DUCA Financial Services Credit Union (DUCA)

DUCA was formed in 1954 and has grown from a single branch credit union in Toronto to 15 branches across Southern Ontario and nearly 60,000 Members.

DUCA Financial Services Credit Union Ltd. (DUCA) provides innovative Co-Operative Banking as an attractive alternative to traditional banking institutions. Designed for Ontarians who want simple, low-cost banking and who care about their world, their community, and making a difference. With high interest savings and low-cost loans, DUCA exists to help people do more, be more, and achieve more with their money and their lives. To find out how, visit

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